In recent years, new working methods have emerged. With the arrival of digital technology and the awareness of happiness at work, we are witnessing the emergence of the term “Digital Nomad”.
This English expression, which means "nomad", as its name suggests, is a person constantly on the move with no constant place of residence. The term “digital” is linked to the use of the Internet and telecommunications. So, a digital nomad is someone who combines working on the internet while traveling.
The worker of the world (as we like to call him at Nomamundi, editor's note) embodies a certain form of emancipation. The latter has the opportunity to obtain a salary by carrying out his job and sailing freely to the other side of the planet. This working method requires ownership of a computer and a good WiFi connection. Following the scale of the development of new technologies, the Digital Nomad can carry out his job remotely flexibly to travel as he wishes. He therefore does not necessarily have a fixed address, he can freely change his location. Its workspace is also not fixed. Most of the time, he works in coworking spaces available on site in the destination where he is located. Hotel rooms or Airbnb rentals can also become their new office for a specific period of time.
The evolution of mentalities
Initially, the term defined an independent worker with self-employed status or carrying out freelance missions. With the advent of teleworking, the term has expanded to also define full-time or part-time employees on permanent contracts in a company. This specific situation concerns an employee working “remotely” therefore, 100 % of his work is carried out outside the premises of the company for which he is employed. He is bound by an employment contract.
Previously seen as “unreliable”, this new approach was democratized following the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. Workers around the world have been able to try teleworking. Many people today have decided to take the plunge to join their family for a few months, discover the world, leave the hustle and bustle of the city, and immerse themselves in a new culture. This global pandemic has proven to the world that many jobs can be done remotely and allow you to combine work and mental development. The digitalization of work tools makes it possible to adapt and make business communication simpler than it has ever been. Many companies have seen the benefit of this experience and noted a clear improvement in the productivity of their employees. These new methods tend to make employees and managers more creative and more confident.
A method for all ages
In morals, the Digital Nomad is young and wants to keep his job while discovering the world around him. This worker is adapted to the new technologies with which he grew up. He is used to communicating through digital platforms. A new young worker is more likely to be passing through a company, due to their desire to discover new places and fields. To keep this new recruit in his company and given the cost of the time spent training him, this solution makes it possible to arrange both stakeholders in the company. But, contrary to popular belief, older workers are also affected by this new method. Indeed, they can decide to leave with family and stay in the company they were in, or go freelance in their field of expertise.
A France still mixed
This way of life is not yet part of French culture. Indeed, as a result of covid, French companies have discovered teleworking, but the latter is still partially implemented. Companies wishing to have regular contact with their employees. This system has become popular but is not yet unanimous because it is seen as an additional solution requiring unfailing trust in its collaborator.
However, this phenomenon has many advantages, including avoiding getting into a “transport-work-sleep” routine. This method of working has paid off in the long term by helping many workers to refocus on themselves, stimulating their creativity, reducing their costs and increasing their sleep hours. By deciding to trust his employee and therefore giving him the chance to work 100 % from the place he wants, a business manager has a greater chance of creating a feeling of belonging and making his employee proud to see such opportunities present themselves to him.
The limit not to be exceeded in this working method lies in the fact that the worker must ensure that his professional life is separated from his personal life. It must therefore have an external setting such as a room dedicated to work or an external location such as a coworking space for example.
Thus, this new way of working is gradually becoming more popular in Europe and particularly in France. The search for new forms of work allows everyone to find a method that suits them. The search for happiness at work translates in different ways depending on the person. At Nomamundi, we believe that everyone deserves to find a rhythm of life that suits them and allows them to flourish every day. We believe in the future of nomadic work.
And you, have you found the working method that suits you best?