The concept of “digital nomad” is often associated with the idea of a profile who is in their twenties and who travels to the other side of the world with a backpack and a laptop. However, when we talk about teleworking, we must also mention a very important variable: family. If you are a parent, you are obviously not going to make the trip alone. The initial goal of adopting remote work is to spend more time with your children. To help you better organize yourself, here are some useful tips.
Communication is key: define the basis of your commitment
When you opt for remote work, be aware that your routine is about to change from start to finish. Therefore, it is essential to discuss your new work regime with your boss. Ask clearly what is expected of you and define the times during which you will be reachable.
Also, it is very important to expose your constraints. With this in mind, you must let him know if your children will require special care and if they are young. This is how it will be possible to organize yourself andensure your missions in an optimal manner.
Prepare your children for an exceptional adventure
Become a digital nomad with children means that you will completely transform their daily lives. They will have to acquire new benchmarks and sometimes, a new language. So, you owe them explain what your new daily life will look like. So take the time to say that this will be a great adventure that you will all experience together and that this decision will allow you to be more present with them. Watch documentaries together around your destination country and show them photos of the city where you are going to settle.
Also, if they are young, they need to grasp the notion that your physical presence at home does not mean you are available. For simplify this transformation, it is recommended to go gradually and explain that this decision will bring many positive points for the whole family.
Your productivity will not be impacted!
Just prepare a fixed schedule and respect it. Even though you are remote and honoring your role as head of household, you are just as active and even more productive than when you are in the office. By avoiding public transport and long journeys, you will devote all your energy to accomplishing your tasks.
Arrange your work space: an activity for the whole family
For a successful teleworking experience in your new home, it is essential to define your professional space. Your work area should be perfectly delimited and preferably separate from your common living space. Your children must understand that when you are in this space or in the room dedicated to receiving your video calls or preparing your reports, it is forbidden to solicit you.
For young children, you can ask them to lay lines of colored tape on the ground. By involving them, you will help them understand the importance of not crossing these boundaries during your work hours. To make this zoning perfectly explicit, you can create together a sign with a special mention like "no entry at this time", "dad is not available to play", "mom has a call with her boss".
Make time for your family
Compartmentalization will be your best ally. When you close your computer, make sure you don't go back into it. Your routine should be clear, so as not to send confusing signals to your children. If you tell them you're going to watch their favorite movie for the umpteenth time, make sure you're there for that activity.
Take time to chat with them about their day at school and coordinate with other parents to arrange trips to the park. This will be a great opportunity to show them all the positive aspects of this change of location. Also, if you are called upon to learn a new language to better integrate, it would be very interesting to review your vocabulary as a family. Turn this into an activity and even give rewards to encourage them to move forward with their learning.
Also, if you promise your child to play with him or help him finish his coloring, it is imperative to keep this promise. A child who is disappointed or feels left out may intrude into your workspace at the most inopportune moment to interrupt your work calls.
Well-being and relaxation: don't forget to enjoy this experience!
Don't forget to dedicate time for you. Remember that above all, it is a great human adventure that allows you to discover a new destination and explore another country whose culture is sometimes totally different from yours.
Prioritize your well-being and don't hesitate to include a short daily walk, a snack break, a movie outing to meet other digital nomads like you... You can just as easily sign up for one of the clubs to meet people teleworkers in the same field in which you work.
It is important to disconnect from your multiple responsibilities to recharge your batteries.