With emerging technologies, the remote work seems like an easy solution – if you're willing to embrace it. Working from anywhere allows people more freedom and of control on their timetable without compromising their performance or their health. Employers love to promote it because it gives them and their employees more great latitude in the execution of their tasks.
Discover in the following article the advice of Nomamundi to maintain your remote teleworking strategy.
How to create a remote company culture?
Teleworking has become a option more and more current. However, some employers face challenges challenges when they decide to let their employees work from home. Leaders need to think about how to maintain a corporate culture solid And effective. They must also ensure that the work policies home are fair and promote positive work experience for everyone.
As an employer, you must consider many factors when implementing a remote work program for staff members.
What is corporate culture?
Corporate culture is defined above all by values. It reflects the company's HR strategy and affects its reputation and effectiveness. It therefore represents a essential aspect which allows you to maximize theemployee engagement and optimize customer experience.
An effective company culture is created with intention. It is the result of several combined elements: management style, values, beliefs, interactions, organizational performance...etc.
It is reflected in the functioning of the organization and in all the decisions taken on a daily basis. Beyond any program, any hierarchy and any workplace, corporate culture places employee engagement under the same banner, as a top priority.
There transparency and the clear expectations are the foundations of a strong work environment. Building a good remote work culture will definitely get the job done efficiently, but with added benefits such as better morale, less absenteeism, and higher productivity.
As a manager or CEO, your company culture must be formal, functional And shared. If this strategy does not meet one of these three points, do not hesitate to improve it!
How to maintain your corporate culture remotely?
Maintaining a remote company culture is no easy task but if done right, it will be worth it in the long run!
Establishing clear guidelines and setting strict limits
As an employer, you must set clear and strict limits about life professional employees working from home. This ensures a good balance between work and personal life. You must also establish Guidelines that employees should follow when communicating with customers. This ensures that every interaction is professional and respectful.
The use of new technologies
As technology allows us to interact with people around the world, working from anywhere is becoming more and more common. Many employers are now offering their employees the option to work remotely, via Internet and through different applications.
Establishing firm and fair ground rules
It is important to establish firm ground rules when developing work from home strategies. This affects your company's image. In addition to imposing appropriate social behaviors, you need to make sure your work policies are fair. You can, for example, offer flexible schedule options to employees who work full-time. You can also grant parking spaces in areas close to the business or grant benefits to those who opt for carpooling or public transportation.
Using a reference document
In the office, the knowledge sharing and the collaboration with colleagues are an instinct. People in need seek information directly from their most experienced colleagues. In other words, it's easier for those with expertise in a specific area to share their knowledge in the office than when working remotely.
Please establish a reference file containing as much important information as possible to which members of the company can refer to carry out their activities. Then, this reference document will allow you to quickly obtain information without overloading your mailbox.
Maintaining good communication
In order to work optimally with remote service providers, it is necessary to maintain a good communication and to be able to ensure the smooth running of your project. Many collaboration tools exist to facilitate data sharing. We will share with you the most famous and sometimes free tools for teamwork : Dropbox, Google Drive, Skype, Slack…