Having a good teleworking experience abroad necessarily requires the use of efficient tools. Current or future worker in the world, prepare to put these systems in place. The goal is to stay connected to your manager and keep him informed of your work. Each step, including the pay slip, must be able to be dematerialized.
Basic elements
To begin with, to be compatible with teleworking, you must have a computer connected to the internet on a daily basis. Be careful not to confuse working from home with remote working. Without this basic element, you will just be carrying out a usual task in a different location, but not teleworking strictly speaking. Teleworking is characterized by the relocation of work equipment while continuing to work collaboratively remotely. A good wifi connection allows you to communicate with your company and colleagues throughout the day.
Prevent cyberattacks
The more dispersed a company's teams are, the more likely professional computers are to suffer data theft from hackers. For this, essential elements must be put in place and followed diligently by the entire company. To begin with, a precise guide must be sent to all employees, on the steps to follow in the event of a cyber attack situation: which person to contact in the event of an emergency, what times they are available, what are the procedures for emergency,… Then, we must be able to plan for a limitation of access to sensitive structures when this is possible. Setting up a VPN for all employees is a fundamental element that should not be neglected. This system makes it possible to isolate exchanges between computers and to change its geographical location so as not to undergo a change of content during internet searches abroad. Teleworkers tend to regularly connect to public networks. To limit data leaks, VPN remains a solution minimizing this major risk. The implementation of two-factor authentication should also be considered so that employees can connect securely. Your antivirus should be updated regularly and connections to public wifi should be limited as much as possible when possible. A work computer should be used mainly for work and not for leisure, to avoid the risk of hacking. Finally, to finish, we can't repeat it enough but, as fraudulent emails are still around, remember to pay attention to your email box. Managing a situation for which we are not ready, remotely, can be distressing, which is why we are giving you all the keys.
Collaborative tools
In a company, all divisions are linked for different projects and tasks. This is why it is essential to put in place systems allowing us to work together, so that everyone can collaborate remotely. A task planner can first of all be useful for organizing remotely and prioritizing the planned work steps according to their degree of importance. A shared calendar is also useful for planning important meetings with a schedule that adapts to the country where everyone is located. Shared folders, such as a drive or cloud, make it possible to bring together all the necessary company data and have it available anywhere in the world. This tool allows you to share folders and reduce the impact on the memory of service computers. Remote meetings are expected to take stock of the progress of current projects and your adaptation. For this, platforms allowing these remote meetings exist, we will cite: Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet or even Zoom. The most important thing is that your tool has the ability to perform screen sharing, or even multi-screen sharing. Indeed, it is essential to be able to project yourself remotely and visualize the content, or even to bear witness to the work carried out during the period. You will note that meetings must be regular but not take place too often to allow reflection and real progress on existing projects. Corporate chat allows you to discuss potential decisions, information or even company developments together and create a real feeling of belonging. Communication is important and allows you to get to the point without having to send an email to your colleagues or your manager for each question. Collaborative writing tools are essential for any project. Indeed, several people often work on the same subject and we will note the practicability of this solution which can also serve as a means of brainstorming remotely. You will also hear about project management tools, allowing you to set deadlines and assign the different stages to each person in the company. The best-known platforms are Basecamp, Monday and Zoho.
Dematerializing the company's operating tasks should not be neglected. To begin with, even remotely, contracts can be signed with companies when you are Freelance, or with subcontractors, and for many other reasons. This is why tools have been put in place to secure contracts, sign them electronically and all this legally. Expenses and expense reports must be noted on a platform provided for this purpose to avoid forgetting any and to justify them clearly and precisely. We are increasingly witnessing the dematerialization of pay slips, which benefits workers around the world and allows for clearer reading. The Payfit unicorn testifies to this excitement around the digitalization of human resources management and management tools by monitoring hours worked.
Thus, no element should be neglected in the adaptation of a teleworker abroad. The digitalization of work tools and the proliferation of solutions offered for working collaboratively benefits this new category of workers.
And you, what is your essential daily tool in your work?