
Temporary Resident Visa

Capital city : Mexico
Number of inhabitants : 128 649 565 (2020)
Official language : Mexican Spanish
Local currency : Mexican Peso

Mexico is the segment of a horn that widens again on the Yucatán Peninsula after curving from northwest to southeast. Between southern Morocco and the Ténéré desert, the country receives a tropical flood in summer while having latitudes similar to those of the vast African deserts. The two major holiday seasons – Christmas and Easter – mark the year.

Corn is the most important ingredient in the holy trinity of Mexican cuisine, along with frijol and chile. A tortilla (corn pancake) is served with each meal. Black beans are a common, everyday ingredient in frijoles. In Mexico, you can't live without chiles (chili peppers), of which there are hundreds of varieties. They add flavor to all kinds of foods, from omelettes to sauces to fruits, whether cooked or raw.

Mexico City is the capital. The first thing that strikes us when entering the city is the exceptional architectural beauty of its historic center, listed as a World Heritage Site. Two stones coexist in the city whose reddish brown and gray colors blend beautifully. They have been used many times in different construction projects.

Mexico What you need to know

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Why go through Nomamundi for my Temporary Resident?

Single price: €90

The price of our assistance in obtaining your visa (excluding consular fees)

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